Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It's been nearly a week since my last post! Bizzy bizzy bizzy. I have company again, so spent a good bit of the weekend preparing the spare room, cleaning, grocery shopping, etcetera, etcetera etcetera.

About a week ago I bought Gracie a new crate. This one is full size, and all wire. When I first got Gracie, I bought a crate intended for housebreaking, but not needing it to adult size. After three months, it became obvious that she cannot be "at large" when I'm not home (she is easily bored and quite the gnawer). Plus, she absolutely HATED the old crate - it was molded plastic and very restrictive viewing. This new crate is for dogs up to 110 lbs! I put it in my bedroom, in front of the window. It has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD!! It's like I have a new dog! She hasn't had an "accident" once, she sleeps through the night, and even goes in to her crate on her own!! WOOOOO HOOOO! Success!!!

I BOUGHT A NEW BIKE!! It's a Jamis Earth Cruiser 2.. I absolutely love it. Plus, it's PINK! I'll be sure to post a photo - just as soon as my daughter returns my camera!

We're gearing up for spring break, here on our little beach. Truly silly season. We had President Obama come to our little corner of the world the other day - I didn't get tickets! LOL.

As I said earlier, BIZZY BIZZY BIZZY!

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