I took Gracie to dog beach after work on Wednesday. It was close to sunset and I hoped that being mid-week and late in the day that dog beach would not be crowded.

It is the only place in Lee County where dogs can be leashless at the beach. It can be a problem when there are a lot of dogs and a lot of irresponsible pet owners. It can also be a problem when ones dog is a super high energy seven month old puppy that doesn't stop running and jumping the whole time there. That's why I'd hoped it would not be crowded. There were a few people there with a few dogs that left as soon as the sun dipped under the horizon. The park closes at "dusk". It was good to let Gracie RUUUNNNNN. And run she did!
Yesterday I read the comments on a website that offers writing prompts. The prompt was what would you like your first thought to be tomorrow morning. Some comments were very common, like TGIS. I mused at what I would like my first thought to be. This morning, my first thought was, "..it's Saturday. I don't have to go to work. Gracie needs to go out. I can go back to bed and back to sleep. I love my bed." Now that I'm up I have no plans for today or for this weekend. It's overcast and there's a front coming through with cooler weather forecast for next week. I should like to do some gardening. My roses are doing superbly! The frangipanis are sprouting leaves and flower buds. The bougainvillea is in full fuschia-colored bloom! The plumbago is showing its cobalt colors and the lillies are emerging from the soil. I just love it!
There is one other thing I want to comment about. Earlier this past week, Gracie and I were walking along the "hidden path" which is a small gravel pathway that cuts through a protected wetlands. I travel this pathway four times a day as it takes me quite easily to work and back. As we were meandering along, suddenly a very large black vulture shot up from its perch and scared us both! Later that same day, we noticed a vulture circling in the same area. The next day or so, I could smell "dead" and saw several vultures perched in the trees along the path. All week long, the vultures were in the neighborhood. Then yesterday a man came to the front desk at Town Hall. I recognized him as the old man who lives along side the hidden path. He's lived there forever and is as old as dirt. He rides a bicycle with a T-perch for his Parrot that he takes out to the beach on frequent occasions. He came to Town Hall to report that someone is poisoning raccoons in his neighborhood, that he's found several dead with no sign of injury. We have some young environmentalists on Town staff that were quick to point out that poisoning raccoons results in the birds eating the carcasses and then the birds are poisoned. It's a felony to mess with birds of prey. I know the raccoons are a problem in our neighborhood. I know of one neighbor who feeds the feral cats which ultimately feeds the raccoons. I know of one neighbor who had at one time talked of poisoning the raccoons. Boy do I ever want to mind my own business on this one.
So that's a pretty good capsule of my week. I think today will be a putter day. I'm off to putt.
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