Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Adventures in Dreamland

WOW! What an awesome adventure in dreamland! My journey began at the start of a bridge across an expanse of sea water. The bridge was no more than a catwalk, with 2, 2x4's for footing held up by ropes that extended up to weave into handrails. I had crossed this bridge once before and I knew it was defective: the last third of the bridge deteriorated into only one plank and one hand rail - on the right side. I approached at first realizing that I was wearing flip flops, which would impede my footing, and I chanced losing a sandal into the drink. In my left hand I carried a bouquet of Lillies - orange, so probably Tiger Lillies. Because of the twists and turns of my travels, the lillies became repeatedly torn and bruised. One gust of weather caught the bouquet clear out of my hand.
I was at the boat ramp, aboard the boat I'd reserved. Lauren was with me, although never appeared. I was sailing a small sailboat, but not very successfully. Twice, the boat nearly tipped onto the left side, with me holding the sails just enough that we didn't capsize. After awhile, our destination was insight, and with great difficulty, I steared the boat to the dock. Just before reaching the dock, I jumped out and was swimming/pushing the boat to the dock. I pulled myself out of the water onto the dock. Immediately I realized my cell phone was in my pocket and I'd been in the water! I pulled it out, and dried it off. A man who worked there came up and said he knew justwhat to do, and set the phone out in the sunshine.
I mingled with other (more experienced_) sailors. We cooked hamburgers and hot dogs, talked the weather. My dream's eye saw a view of the penninsula of Florida - from the perspective of a jet airplane. I saw the southern tip, the keys, and the Dry Tortugas - although in my dream, the Tortugas were in the geographic location of Cuba and Haiti. I saw a ship streaming through the water.
The dream filtered into other images, culminating in my parents' dining room at the 63 Fairview in the Poconos.. my eldest brother and his wife were there showing me framed photos of my mother that we were assembling as a gift. While we chatted, my dad came up and hugged me and kissed me. It was nice to see him. Dad died in 1997. June 10 is his birthday. What a nice treat.

1 comment:

Roderick said...

I love dreams like that - they are simply astounding things!